Institute for medical information - processing, biometry, and epidemiology (IBE)

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Dipl.-Ing. Vincent Guillemot

Further Information

Eingereichte Manuskripte

  1. V. Guillemot, A. Tenenhaus, L. Le Brusquet, V. Frouin, 2010. Graph Constrained Discriminant Analysis: a new method for the integration of a graph into a classification process. In review.
  2. V. Guillemot, M. Jelizarow, A. Tenenhaus, A.-L. Boulesteix, 2011. SHrinkage covariance estimation incorporating prior biological knowledge with applications to high-dimensional data. Technical Report 107, Department of Statistics, LMU.

Referierte Artikel (in Zeitschriften: 4, in Tagungsbänden: 2)

  1. A.-L. Boulesteix, V. Guillemot, W. Sauerbrei, 2010. Use of pre-transformation to cope with extreme values in important candidate features. Technical Report 83, Department of Statistics, LMU. Biometrical journal (in press).
  2. C. Heride, M. Ricoul, K. Kiêu, J. von Hase, V. Guillemot, C. Cremer, K. Dubrana, L. Sabatier, 2010. Distance between homologous chromosomes results from chromosome positioning constraints. Journal of Cell Science, 123:4063-4075.
  3. M. Jelizarow, V. Guillemot, A. Tenenhaus, K. Strimmer, A.-L. Boulesteix, 2010. Over-optimism in bioinformatics: an illustration. Technical Report 81, Department of Statistics, LMU, Bioinformatics 26:1990-1998..
  4. A. Tenenhaus, V. Guillemot, X. Gidrol, V. Frouin, 2010. Gene Association Networks from Microarray Data Using a Regularized Estimation of Partial Correlation Based on the PLS Regression. IEEE Computer Society/ACM Transaction on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, vol. 7, Issue 2, pp. 251-262.
  5. V. Guillemot, L. Le Brusquet, A. Tenenhaus, V. Frouin, 2008. Graph-Constrained Discriminant Analysis of functional genomics data. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine Workshops (ICBB’08), ISBN: 978-1-4244-2890-8, pp. 207-210, Philadelphia, USA, November 3-5.
  6. V. Guillemot, C. Philippe, A. Tenenhaus, J. Rollin, X. Gidrol, V. Frouin, 2008. Grouping levels of Exposure with same Observable Effects before Class Prediction in Toxicogenomics. IEEE Computer Society, Biotechno 08 International Conference on Bioinformatics, and Biomedical Technologies (BIOTECHNO’08), Digital Library, ISBN: 978-0-7695-3191-5, pp.164-169. Bucharest, Rumania, June 29th-July 5th.

Andere Publikationen

  1. V. Guillemot, A. Tenenhaus, V. Frouin, 2009. Une variante des tests de sphéricité pour l’adéquation de données transcriptomiques à un graphe de régulations génétiques. Poster in French. Journée Ouverte en Biologie et Mathématiques (JOBIM’09), pp. 219-220, Nantes, France, June 9-11, 2009.


  1. V. Guillemot, M. Jelizarow, SHIP R package. Shrinkage covariance Incorporating Prior knowledge.


Vincent Guillemot, 29 March 2010, phD Thesis (in French): Application de méthodes de classification supervisée et intégration de données hétérogènes pour des données transcriptomiques à haut débit, Université Paris Sud – Supélec, pdf.