Institute for medical information - processing, biometry, and epidemiology (IBE)

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Former Staff

Surname, First name Title Research Group
Abelmann, Dorit
Ahlborn, Bernd Dipl.-Bioinf. 

Biometry and Bioinformatics

Akboga, Yasemin B.Sc. 
Alex, Bianca

Cancer registry

Amann, Angela
Ankerst, Donna Pauler Dr. 
Arnold, Laura BA MA MSc

Evidence-Based Public Health

Baer Radermacher, Magdalena Dr. 
Baghi, Ladan

Cancer registry Munich

Bähr, René
Barth, Swaantje MPH

Cancer registry

Biallas, Renke

Prof. Dr. Eva Rehfuess

Bier, Ursula

Cancer registry

Böhme, Mandy
Brinz, Hannes
Brummer, Wolfgang
Buchner, Hannes Dipl.-Stat. 
Busert, Laura MPH
Christou, Aimilia-Varvara
Danzer, Manfred
Dauer, Brigitte
David-Rus, Diana Dr. 
De Bin, Riccardo Dr. MSc

Computational Molecular Medicine

Decke, Siona MPH
Dirschedl, Peter Dipl.-Inf. 
Döring, Stefan B.Sc. 
Dörr, Martin Dipl.-Stat. 
Drexler, Jutta

Cancer registry

Dufey, Florian Dr. 
Eisele, Angelika B.A. Physiotherapie, MPH
Engelhardt, Katrin Dr. MPH
Esteban, Eva Dipl.Psych. MPH

Research unit for Biopsychosocial Health in the Department for Public Health and Health Care Research

Fast, Alyona

Tumor registry

Fischer, Anja Dipl.-Inf. 
Fischer, Uli M.A., B.A.

Vertigo and Dizziness

Franke, Thomas
Frisch, Dieter Dr.rer.biol.hum.Dipl.-SpOec. 

Medical Climatology / Health Care Research on Health Resort Medicine in the Department of Public Health and Health Care Research

Fritz, Yvone
Fuchs, Mathias Dr. rer. nat. 

Computational Molecular Medicine

Gerhardinger, Ursula Dipl.-Stat. 

Cancer registry Munich

Ghane, David
Glasschröder, Birgit Dr. rer. nat. 

Secretary for the Master's pograms: Epidemiology and Public Health

Glunde, Bettina Dipl.-Pflegepädagogin 
Graf, Monika

Cancer registry

Graf, Sandra

Cancer registry

Granaturova, Olga BSc
Grath, Tanja BA MPH

Evidence-Based Public Health

Gruber, Elke

Department of Public Health and Health Care Research

Gruhn, Ricarda Dipl.-Biol. 
Guillemot, Vincent Dipl.-Ing. 

Computational Molecular Medicine

Hansen, Lars
Harajli, Benedict
Henschel, Volkmar Dr. rer. nat., Dipl.-Math. 
Hentschel, Martin
Herrmann, Annina MPH 


Hoffmann, Verena Dr. rer. biol. hum. BSc, M.A.
Hölscher, Gabriele Dipl.-Biol. MPH
Hornig, Lenka
Hubig, Lena MPH
Hübinger, Steffen Dr. rer. nat. Dipl. Biol.

Vertigo and Dizziness

Hummel, Manuela Dipl.-Stat. 
Janitza, Silke M.Sc. M.Sc.

Computational Molecular Medicine

Jelizarow, Monika Dipl.-Stat. 

Computational Molecular Medicine

Kaja Najmudeen, Benazir
Kassem, Bassam MSc
Klein, Janette
Klein, Frederic Dipl.-Stat. 
Klose, Christina
Klünder, Vera M.Sc. Public Health 

Research Unit for Biopsychosocial Health

Krishnaratne, Shari M.Sc.

Research Unit Evidence-based Public Health

Kunz, Anne Dipl. Stat. 
Ladda, Jennifer Dr. biol. hum. MPH
Langguth, Sabine B.A.

Evidence-Based Public Health

Laubender, Rüdiger Dipl.-Verw.wiss. MPH
Lichti, Sybille

Department for Public Health and Healthcare Research

Lorbeer, Mariya
Lotz-Fabry, Marion M.A.
Lyon, Karin
Markovic, Manuela
Meyer, Julian-Paul M.A.

Research Unit Evidence-based Public Health

Mitthof-Löffler, Diana
Möller, Barbara Dipl. Wirtsch. Inf. 
Morgner, Christine

Cancer registry

Mourad, Alexandra Dr. hum. biol. 
Müller, Hans-Helge PD Dr. rer. nat. 
Müller, Thomas H. Dr. med., Dipl.-Inf. 

Biometry and Bioinformatics

Müller, Martin Dr. rer. medic., Dipl. Pflegewirt (FH) 

Vertigo and Dizziness

Mutius, Sabine von Dr. rer. nat. 
Nasseh, Daniel Dr. rer. biol. hum. Dipl.-Bioinf.

Medical Informatics / CCC-Munich

Neher, Gertrud

Cancer registry

Ngouongo, Marie-Noel Dipl.-Inf. Med. 
Nitzsche, Nicole

Cancer registry

Nkwetta, Elvis MPH

Research group Registry Studies and Clinical Trials II

Oberhauser, Cornelia Dr. rer. biol. hum. Dipl. Stat.
Otte, Lena

Public Health and Health Care Research

Page, Sabrina M.Sc. 

Research Unit Public Health Evaluation

IPV Tanzania

Phillips, Amanda MSc
Pietrynik, Katrarzyna
Pirkl, Heiko
Polus, Stephanie MPH

Biometry and Bioinformatics / Evidence-Based Public Health

Popal, Mariam
Prinz, Anneliese

Cancer registry

Probst, Philipp MSc

Computational Molecular Medicine

Rauch, Alexandra MPH

Biopsychosocial Health

Rauschert, Christian MSc
Reinhardt, David MSc
Rieger, Anna MSc

Biometry and Bioinformatics

Robl, Eva Dipl. Landschaftsökologin 
Rohrbach, Stefanie
Rohwer, Anke MSc
Rottenkolber, Marietta Dipl.-Stat. 


Ruschhaupt, Markus
Sabariego, Carla Dr. rer. biol. hum. Dipl.-Psych. MPH

Research unit for Biopsychosocial Health at the Department for Public Health and Health Care Research

Sarcevic, Ana MSc
Sassenfeld, Alexandra


Schaaf, Sebastian MSc

Biometry and Bioinformatics

Schillok, Hannah

Dr. rer. biol. hum., Dipl.-Psych. Michaela Coenen, MPH

Schleinkofer, Tobias Dipl. Inf. 
Schmidberger, Markus Dr. rer. nat. 

Biometry and Bioinformatics

Schmidt, Sabine Dr. 
Schmidt, Michael

Cancer registry

Schmidt, Karin Dr. med. vet. 
Schneider, Susanne

Cancer registry

Schneider, Anneliese Dr. rer. nat. 
Schneider, Zuzana

Department for Public Health and Health Care Research

Schneiderheinze, Lena MPH
Schotten, Klaus-Jürgen Dr. med. 

Biometry and Bioinformatics

Schubert, Luise
Schubert-Fritschle, Gabriele Dr.rer.biol.hum 

Cancer registry

Schuh, Angela apl. Prof. Dr. rer. biol. hum. Dr. med. habil. Dipl. Meteorol. 
Schwarz, Elisabeth MPH

Biometry and Bioinformatics

Seeger, Karin Dipl.-Math.oec. MPH

Master's programs

Seelus, Veronika

Tumor registry

Seibold, Heidi Dr.rer.nat. MSc
Shen, Yu-Ming MSc

Biometry and Bioinformatics

Simang, Michael Dipl. Stat. 
Stausberg, Jürgen Prof. Dr. med. 
Steidle, Petra

Cancer registry

Stephan, Anna-Janina MPH
Stolze, Karin

Master's Program Public Health

Strauch, Konstantin Prof. Dr 

Genetic Epidemiology

Stüven, Andrea
Timmer, Antje PD Dr. 
Tretter, Werner

Cancer registry

Tschiesner, Uta Dr. med. 

Biopsychosocial Health

Ulrich, Susanne MPH


Volk, Monika


Volkmann, Alexander
Weber, Brigitte
Weiker, Lothar
Weisemann, Ulrike Dipl.-Inf., Dipl.-Biol. 
Wichmann, H.-Erich Prof. (em.) Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. 


Woelke, Gabriele 
Woltersdorf, Ronja Dr. phil. nat. 
Zhang, Mangying MSc