Publikationen / Publications
Dr. rer. biol. hum. Michaela Coenen, Dipl. Psych., MPH
Basili A, Öcek A, Klünder V, Coenen M. Social support and living during the COVID-19 pandemic experienced by persons with disabilities: a qualitative study in Munich. Disability & Society, 2024, doi: 10.1080/09687599.2024.2304244
Bauer J, Clark H, Coenen M, Klein C, Rehfuess EA, Ruther C, Voss S, Voigt-Blaurock V, Jung-Sievers C. Teilhabe im Kinderkrankenhaus: Formate zur Verwirklichung des Rechts auf Partizipation von jungen Patientinnen und Patienten [Participation in children's hospitals: approaches to participatory formats for paediatric patients]. Gesundheitswesen. 2024 Apr 23. German. doi: 10.1055/a-2270-2840.
Binder, L., Coenen, M., von Mallek, P., Kus S. Gestaltung einer gesundheitsgerechten Arbeitsumgebung: Was brauchen Beschäftigte in kleinen und mittleren Betrieben im ländlichen Raum?. Präv Gesundheitsf (2024).
Lamadé EK, Pedraz-Petrozzi B, Lindner O, Meininger P, Coenen M, Witt SH, Rietschel M, Dukal H, Gilles M, Wudy SA, Hellweg R, Deuschle M. Stress during pregnancy and fetal serum BDNF in cord blood at birth. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2024 Jul;165:107035. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2024.107035. Epub 2024 Mar 27.
Littlecott H, Krishnaratne S, Burns J, Rehfuess E, Sell K, Klinger C, Strahwald B, Movsisyan A, Metzendorf MI, Schoenweger P, Voss S, Coenen M, Müller-Eberstein R, Pfadenhauer LM. Measures implemented in the school setting to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2024 May 2;5:CD015029. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD015029.pub2
Robert, M., Coenen, M., Bauer, J., Voss St., Jung-Sievers C. Consented indicators for the evaluation of integrated strategies of community health promotion targeting children and adolescents: results of an eDelphi. BMC Public Health 24, 252 (2024).
Voss, S., Bauer, J., Jung-Sievers, C., Moore, G., Rehfuess, E., Zu Rhein, V., Coenen, M. Process evaluation of an integrated community-based intervention for promoting health equity in children in a new residential development area. Arch Public Health 82, 19 (2024).
Bader B, Coenen M, Hummel J, Schoenweger P, Voss S, Jung-Sievers C. Evaluation of community-based health promotion interventions in children and adolescents in high-income countries: a scoping review on strategies and methods used. BMC Public Health. 2023 May 10;23(1):845. doi: 10.1186/s12889-023-15691-y. PMID: 37165313; PMCID: PMC10170055.
Kunzler, A.M.; Lindner, S.; Röthke, N.; Schäfer, S.K.; Metzendorf, M.-I.; Sachkova, A.; Müller-Eberstein, R.; Klinger, C.; Burns, J.; Coenen, M.; Lieb K. Mental Health Impact of Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Individuals with Pre-Existing Mental Disorders: A Systematic Review of Longitudinal Research. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 948.
Nennstiel U, Odenwald B, Throner V, Blankenstein O, Vieth A, Ratzel R, Coenen M, Brockow I. Neugeborenen-Screening aus Trockenblut (NBS) in Deutschland : Status quo und Vorstellung eines Konzeptes zur Weiterentwicklung [Newborn blood spot screening (NBS) in Germany : Status quo and presentation of a concept for further development]. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz. 2023 Oct 10. German. doi: 10.1007/s00103-023-03771-8. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37815611.
Öcek ZA, Geise M, Volkmann A-M, Basili A, Klünder V and Coenen M. Strengthening the social resilience of people living at the intersection of precariousness and migration during pandemics: action recommendations developed in Munich, Germany. Front. Public Health (2023)11:1201215. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1201215.
Schürr A, Elbel J, Hieronimi A, Auer I, Coenen M and Böse-O’Reilly S (2023) Mental health in adolescents after experiencing a flood event in Bavaria, Germany—A qualitative interview study. Front. Public Health 11:1210072. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1210072
Throner V, Coenen M, Schuh A, Jung-Sievers C, Kus S. A Multimodal Prevention Program for Stress Reduction—Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2023 Oct 27;(Forthcoming):arztebl.m2023.0179. doi: 10.3238/arztebl.m2023.0179. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37551447.
Wendel F, Bender S, Breitinger E, Coenen M, Hummel J, Immich G, Kirschneck M, Klünder V, Kunzler AM, Lieb K, Movsisyan A, Li LY, Ravens-Sieberer U, Rehfuess E, Voss S, Jung-Sievers C. Interventions to build resilience and to ameliorate negative psychosocial effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2023 Aug 13. doi: 10.1007/s00787-023-02280-y. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37573565.
Klünder V, Schwenke P, Hertig E, Jochem C, Kaspar-Ott I, Schwienhorst-Stich E-M, Stauch L, Coenen M. A cross-sectional study on the knowledge of and interest in Planetary Health in health-related study programmes in Germany. Frontiers in Public Health (2022) 10. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.937854.
Krishnaratne S, Pfadenhauer LM, Coenen M, Geffert K, Jung-Sievers C, Klinger C, Kratzer S, Littlecott H, Movsisyan A, Rabe JE, Rehfuess E, Sell K, Strahwald B, Stratil JM, Voss S, Wabnitz K, Burns J. Measures implemented in the school setting to contain the COVID-19 pandemic: a scoping review. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2020 Dec 17;12:CD013812; doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD013812.
Kus S, Oberhauser C, Simmel S, Coenen M. ICF-based prediction of return to work after trauma rehabilitation: Results of the icfPROreha study in patients with severe musculoskeletal injuries. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences 2022: 3:960473; doi: 10.3389/fresc.2022.960473.
Moellhoff, N., Throner, V., Frank, K., Benne, A., Adelmann, S., Coenen, M., Giunta, R. E., & Haas-Lützenberger, E. (2022). Visualization of the location and level of pain in common wrist pathologies using color-coded heatmaps. Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery, 10.
Schöttle A, Coenen M, Rehfuess EA, Kaiser B, Wiedemann C, Pfadenhauer LM. Aufbau der Präventionskette Freiham aus Sicht des Steuerungsgremiums: Eine qualitative Interviewstudie mit Sozialer Netzwerkanalyse [Development of an Integrated Community-Based Prevention Strategy in Freiham (Munich) from the Perspective of the Steering Group: A Qualitative Interview Study with Social Network Analysis]. Gesundheitswesen 2022, Jun 2 (Epub ahead of print); doi: 10.1055/a-1815-3254.
Schwenke P, Coenen M. Influence of sit-stand tables in classrooms on children’s sedentary behavior and teacher’s acceptance and feasibility: a mixed-methods study. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022; 19(11):6727.
Zhelyazkova A, Kim S, Klein M, Prueckner S, Horster S, Kressirer P, Choukér A, Coenen M, Adorjan K. COVID-19 vaccination intent, barriers and facilitators in healthcare workers: Insights from a cross-sectional study on 2500 employees at LMU University Hospital in Munich, Germany. Vaccines 2022: 10(8):1231; doi: 10.3390/vaccines10081231
Algurén B, Jernberg T, Vasko P, Selb M, Coenen M. Content comparison and person-centeredness of standards for quality improvement in cardiovascular health care. PLoS One 2021; 16(1):e0244874. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0244874.
Apel D & Coenen M. Mental health and health-related quality of life in victims of the 2013 flood disaster in Germany – A longitudinal study of health-related flood consequences and evaluation of institutionalized low-threshold psycho-social support. Int J Disaster Risk Reduct 2021, 58; doi: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2021.102179.
Boldt K, Coenen M, Movsisyan A, Voss S, Rehfuess E, Kunzler AM, Lieb K, Jung-Sievers C. Interventions to ameliorate the psychological effects of the covid-19 pandemic on children - a systematic review. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021; 18: 2361.
Kunzler AM, Röthke N, Günthner L, Stoffers-Winterling J, Tüscher O, Coenen M, Rehfuess E, Schwarzer G, Binder H, Schmucker C, Meerpohl JJ, Lieb K. Mental burden and its risk and protective factors during the early phase of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: systematic review and meta-analyses. Globalization and Health 2021, 17(1):34; doi: 10.1186/s12992-021-00670-y.
Lamadé EK, Hendlmeier F, Wudy SA, Blum WF, Witt SH, Rietschel M, Coenen M, Gilles M, Deuschle M. Childhood trauma and insulin-like growth factors in amniotic fluid – an exploratory analysis of 79 women. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2021, 27 Feb [Epub ahead of print]; 127:105180; doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2021.105180.
Maertl T, De Bock F, the COSMO study team, Huebl L, Oberhauser C, Coenen M, Jung-Sievers C. Physical Activity during COVID-19 in German Adults: Analyses in the COVID-19 Snapshot Monitoring Study (COSMO). Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021; 18(2):507; doi: 10.3390/ijerph18020507.
Movsisyan A, Burns J, Biallas R, Coenen M, Geffert K, Horstick O, Klerings I, Pfadenhauer LM, von Philipsborn P, Sell K, Strahwald B, Stratil JM, Voss S, Rehfuess E. Travel-related control measures to contain the COVID-19 pandemic: an evidence map. BMJ Open 2021; 11:e041619; doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-041619.
Wirner C, Pott C, Kirschneck M, Coenen M. Das Konstrukt Gesundheitskompetenz in Ausbildung und Studium der Physiotherapie in Deutschland – Ergebnisse einer Dokumentenanalyse. physioscience 2021, Feb 18 [epub ahead of print]; doi: 10.1055/a-1218-5340.
Algurén B, Coenen M, Malm D, Fridlund B, Mårtensson J, Årestedt K on behalf of the Collaboration and Exchange in Swedish cardiovascular caring Academic Research (CESAR) group. A scoping review and mapping exercise comparing the content of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) across heart disease-specific scales. J Patient Rep Outcomes 2020; 4:7;
Apel D, Coenen M. Motivational and educational starting points to enhance mental and physical health in volunteer psycho-social support providers after the 2013 flood disaster in Germany. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 2020; 43; doi: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2019.101359.
Apel D, Coenen M. Physical symptoms and health-care utilization in victims of the 2013 flood disaster in Germany – A longitudinal study of health-related flood consequences and evaluation of psycho-social support. Int J Disaster Risk Reduct 2020 Nov 17 [Epub ahead of print]; doi: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.101949.
Grotkamp S, Cibis W, Brüggemann S, Coenen M, Gmünder HP, Keller K, Nüchtern E, Schwegler U, Seger W, Staubli S, Raison BBV, Weißmann R, Bahemann A, Fuchs H, Rink M, Schian M, Schmitt K. Personbezogene Faktoren im bio-psycho-sozialen Modell der WHO: Systematik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sozialmedizin und Prävention (DGSMP) [Personal Factors of the Bio-Psycho-Social Model (WHO): A Revised Classification by the German Society for Social Medicine and Prevention (DGSMP)]. Gesundheitswesen 2020; 82(1): 107-116. doi: 10.1055/a-1011-3161.
Simmel S, Wurm S, Drisch S, Woltmann A, Coenen M. Prädiktion des Return to Work nach Polytrauma bei Patienten mit einem ISS von 25 und höher [Prediction of Return to Work following Multiple Trauma in Patients with ISS of at least 25]. Rehabilitation 2020; 59(2): 95-103; doi: 10.1055/a-0977-6853.
Wirner C, Pott C, Kirschneck M, Coenen M. Bundesweite Bestandsaufnahme zum Konstrukt Gesundheitskompetenz aus der Perspektive der Profession Physiotherapie. Gesundheitswesen 2020 May, 15 [epub ahead of print]; doi:10.1055/a-1144-2948
Castro S, Leite CF, Coenen M, Buchalla CM. The World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2 (WHODAS 2.0): remarks on the need to revise the WHODAS. Cad Saude Publica 2019 ;35(7):e00000519. doi: 10.1590/0102-311X00000519.
Eisele A, Dereskewitz C, Oberhauser C, Kus S, Coenen M. Validierung der ICD-11 Betaversion im Bereich Handchirurgie [Validation of the ICD-11 beta draft in hand surgery]. Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir 2019 Jan 31; doi: 10.1055/a-0654-5305.
Gäbler G, Coenen M, Fohringer K, Trauner M, Stamm TA. Towards a nationwide implementation of a standardized nutrition and dietetics terminology in clinical practice: a pre-implementation focus group study including a pretest and using the consolidated framework for implementation research. BMC Health Serv Res 2019; 19(1): 920; doi: 10.1186/s12913-019-4600-5.
Grotkamp S, Cibis W, Brüggemann S, Coenen MM, Gmünder HP, Keller K, Nüchtern E, Schwegler U, Seger W, Staubli S, Raison BBV, Weißmann R, Bahemann A, Fuchs H, Rink M, Schian M, Schmitt K. Personbezogene Faktoren im bio-psycho-sozialen Modell der WHO: Systematik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sozialmedizin und Prävention (DGSMP) [Personal Factors of the Bio-Psycho-Social Model (WHO): A Revised Classification by the German Society for Social Medicine and Prevention (DGSMP)]. Gesundheitswesen 2019 Oct 21 [Epub ahead of print]; doi:10.1055/a-1011-3161.
Nuño L, Guilera G, Coenen M, Rojo E, Gómez-Benito J, Barrios M. Functioning in schizophrenia from the perspective of psychologists: A worldwide study. PLOS ONE 2019; 14(6):e0217936. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0217936.
Prodinger B, Stucki G, Coenen M, Tennant A. on behalf of the ICF INFO Network. The measurement of functioning using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: comparing qualifier ratings with existing health status instruments, Disabil Rehabil 2019; 41(5):541-548; doi:10.1080/09638288.2017.1381186.
Sowarka N, Coenen M. Chancen und Herausforderungen von Präventionsketten – Ergebnisse qualitativer Experteninterviews in deutschen Kommunen [Facilitators and Challenges of Community-based Prevention Programmes for Children - Results of a Qualitative Study]. Gesundheitswesen 2019 Dec 12 [Epub ahead of print]; doi: 10.1055/a-1007-8641.
Simmel S, Wurm S, Drisch S, Woltmann A, Coenen M. Prädiktion des Return to Work nach Polytrauma bei Patienten mit einem ISS von 25 oder höher [Prediction of Return to Work following Multiple Trauma in Patients with ISS of at least 25]. Rehabilitation 2019 Oct 7 [Epub ahead of print]; doi: 10.1055/a-0977-6853.
Ávila CC, Ayuso-Mateos JL, Muñoz-Murillo A, Scaratti C, Coenen M, Vlachou A, Fheodoroff K, Pilat A, Tabaj A, Svestkova O, Kadyrbaeva A, Cabello M. Identifying the employment needs of people with chronic health conditions in Europe. J Occup Environ Med 2018 Aug 8; doi: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000001425.
Coenen M, Dereskewitz C. ICF Core Sets der Hand: Entwicklung und Anwendung in der klinischen Praxis. Trauma und Berufskrankh 2018; 20(Suppl 4): 285-291; doi: 10.1007/s10039-018-0369-8.
Coenen M, Rudolf KD, Kus S, Dereskewitz C. Die Internationale Klassifikation der Funktionsfähigkeit, Behinderung und Gesundheit (ICF): Implementierung in der klinischen Routine am Beispiel der ICF Core Sets der Hand [The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) : The implementation of the ICF Core Sets for Hand Conditions in clinical routine as an example of application]. Bundesgesundheitsbl 2018; 61(7):787-795; doi: 10.1007/s00103-018-2748-5.
Ehrl D, Heidekrueger PI, Haas EM, Coenen M, Giunta R, Ninkovic M, Broer PN. Does cigarette smoking harm microsurgical free flap reconstruction? J Reconstr Microsurg 2018; 34(7):492-498; doi: 10.1055/s-0038-1639377.
Eisele A, Dereskewitz C, Kus S, Oberhauser C, Rudolf K-D, Coenen M, Consortium Lighthouse Project Hand. Predicting time off work in patients with traumatic hand injuries from a biopsychosocial perspective. Injury 2018; 49(10):1822-1829; doi: 10.1016/j.injury.2018.07.012.
Esteban E, Coenen M, Ito E, Gruber S, Scaratti C, Leonardi M, Roka O, Vasilou E, Muñoz-Murillo A, Ávila CC, Kovačič DS, Ivandic I, Sabariego C. Views and Experiences of Persons with Chronic Diseases about Strategies that Aim to Integrate and Re-Integrate Them into Work: A Systematic Review of Qualitative Studies. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2018 May 18;15(5). pii: E1022. doi:10.3390/ijerph15051022.
Foitzek N, Ávila CC, Ivandic I, Bitenc Č, Cabello M, Gruber S, Leonardi M, Muñoz-Murillo A, Scaratti C, Tobiasz-Adamczyk B, Vlachou A, Esteban E, Sabariego C, Coenen M. What Persons with Chronic Health Conditions Need to Maintain or Return to Work-Results of an Online-Survey in Seven European Countries. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2018 Mar 26;15(4). pii: E595. doi:10.3390/ijerph15040595.
Gäbler G, Coenen M, Lycett D, Stamm T. Towards a standardized nutrition and dietetics terminology for clinical practice: An Austrian multicenter clinical documentation analysis based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)-Dietetics. Clin Nutr. 2018 Mar 3. pii:S0261-5614(18)30110-9. doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2018.02.031. [Epub ahead of print]
Pfadenhauer LM, Coenen M, Kühlmeyer, Odukoya D, Schunk M, von Unger H. Teaching Qualitative Research Methods in Public Health and Medicine: a research oriented module. J Med Educat 2018; 35:1-21.
Prodinger B, Stucki G, Coenen M, Tennant A on behalf of the ICF INFO Network. The measurement of functioning using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: comparing qualifier ratings with existing health status instruments. Disabil Rehabil. 2017 Oct 8:1-8. doi: 10.1080/09638288.2017.1381186
Sabariego C, Coenen M, Ito E, Fheodoroff K, Scaratti C, Leonardi M, Vlachou A, Stavroussi P, Brecelj V, Kovačič DS, Esteban E. Effectiveness of Integration and Re-Integration into Work Strategies for Persons with Chronic Conditions: A Systematic Review of European Strategies. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2018 Mar 19;15(3). pii: E552. doi:10.3390/ijerph15030552.
Scaratti C, Foitzek N, Grignani E, Leonardi M, Raggi A, Coenen M. The employment needs and the factors having a negative or positive impact on work of people with chronic diseases in Europe: the case of headache. Neurol Sci 2018; 39(1):121-123; doi: 10.1007/s10072-018-3376-4.
Braitmayer K, Dereskewitz C, Oberhauser C, Rudolf KD, Coenen M. Examination of the Applicability of the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) Questionnaire to Patients with Hand Injuries and Diseases Using Rasch Analysis. Patient 2017; 10(3):367-376.
Sabariego C, Miret M, Coenen M. Global Mental Health: Costs, Poverty, Violence, and Socioeconomic Determinants of Health. In: Razzouk (Ed.): Mental Health Economics: The Costs and Benefits of Psychiatric Care. Springer 2017, p. 365-379. ISBN: 978-3-319-55265-1.
Dereskewitz C, Coenen M. Mallet-Finger: Studienergebnisse bilden ICF-Kriterien nicht ab. Handchirurgie Scan 2017; 06(02):98-100.
Engelbarts M, Schuster V, Kisser U, Sabariego C, Stier-Jarmer M, Coenen M, Ernst BP, Strieth S, Harreus U, Becker S. The Comprehensive ICF Core Set for head and neck cancer": a Delphi consensus survey among German speaking speech and language therapists. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2017; 274(6):2589-2599.
Fallon-Kund M, Coenen M, Bickenbach JE. Balancing autonomy and protection: A qualitative analysis of court hearings dealing with protective measures. Int J Law Psychiatry 2017; doi: 10.1016/j.ijlp.2017.06.002 [Epub ahead of print].
Gäbler G, Coenen M, Bolleurs C, Visser WK, Runia S, Heerkens YF, Stamm TA. Toward harmonization of the nutrition care process terminology and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health-Dietetics: Results of a mapping exercise and implications for nutrition and dietetics practice and research. J Acad Nutr Diet 2017; S2212-2672(16)31457-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2016.12.002 [Epub ahead of print].
Kauke T, Oberhauser C, Lin V, Coenen M, Fischereder M, Dick A, et al. De novo donorspecific anti-HLA antibodies after kidney transplantation are associated with impaired graft outcome independently of their C1q-binding ability. Transpl Int 2017; 30(4):360-370.
Kisser U, Adderson-Kisser C, Coenen M, Stier-Jarmer M, Becker S, Sabariego C, Harreus U. The development of an ICF-based clinical guideline and screening tool for the standardized assessment and evaluation of functioning after head and neck cancer treatment. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2017; 274(2):1035-1043.
Kus S, Dereskewitz C, Coenen M, Rauch A, Rudolf KD, Consortium Lighthouse Project Hand. International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: development of an assessment set to evaluate functioning based on the Brief ICF Core Set for Hand Conditions - ICF HandA. J Hand Surg Eur Vol 2017 [Epub ahead of print].
Prodinger B, Stucki G, Coenen M, Tennant A, on behalf of the ICF INFO Network. The measurement of functioning using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: comparing qualifier ratings with existing health status instruments. Disabil Rehabil 2017 Oct 8:1-8; doi: 10.1080/09638288.2017.1381186.
Coenen M, Sabariego C, Cieza A. Recommendation for the collection and analysis of data on participation and disability from the perspective of the World Health Organization [Empfehlungen zur Erhebung und Aufbereitung von Daten zu Teilhabe und Behinderung aus der Perspektive der Weltgesundheitsorganisation]. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz 2016; 59:1060-7.
Coenen M, Cabello M, Umlauf S, Ayuso-Mateos JL, Anczewska M, Tourunen J, Leonardi M, Cieza A, PARADISE Consortium. Psychosocial difficulties from the perspective of persons with neuropsychiatric disorders. Disabil Rehabil 2016; 38(12):1134-1145.
D´Haese J, Neumann J, Weniger M, Pratschke S, Björnsson B, Ardiles V, Chapman W, Hernandez-Alejandro R, Soubrane O, Robles-Campos R, Stojanovic M, Dalla Valle R, Chan A, Coenen M, Guba M, Werner J, Schadde E, Angele M. Should ALPPS be used for liver resection in intermediate-stage HCC? Ann Surg Oncol 2016; 23(4):1335-1343.
Loidl V, Oberhauser C, Ballert C, Coenen M, Cieza A, Sabariego C. Which environmental factors have the highest impact on the performance of people experiencing difficulties in capacity;. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2016; 13(4):416.
Sabariego C, Oberhauser C, Posarac A, Bickenbach J, Kostanjsek N, Chatterji S, Officer A, Coenen M, Chhan L, Cieza A. Response to Madans et al. Comments on Sabariego et at. Measuring disability: Comparing the impact of two data collection approaches on disability rates. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2016; 13(1):66.
Dür M, Coenen M, Stoffer MA, Fialka-Moser V, Kautzky-Willer A, Kjeken I, Drăgoi RG, Mattsson M, Boström C, Smolen J, Stamm TA. Do patient-reported outcome measures cover personal factors important to people with rheumatoid arthritis? A mixed methods design using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health as frame of reference. Health Qual Life Outcomes 2015; 13:27.
Kamenov K, Cabello M, Coenen M, Ayuso-Mateos JL. How much do we know about the functional effectiveness of interventions for depression? A systematic review. J Affect Disord 2015; 188:89-96.
Sabariego C, Oberhauser C, Posarac A, Bickenbach J, Kostanjsek N, Chatterji S, Officer A, Coenen M, Chhan L, Cieza A. Measuring disability: comparing the impact of two data collection approaches on disability rates. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2015; 12(9):10329-10351.
Sabariego C, Coenen M, Ballert C, Cabello M, Leonardi M, Anczewska M, Pitkanen T, Raggi A, Mellor B, Covelli V, Switaj P, Levola J, Schiavolin S, Chrostek A, Bickenbach J, Chatterji S, Cieza A. Determinants of psychosocial difficulties experienced by persons with brain disorders: towards a 'horizontal epidemiology' approach. PloS one 2015; 10(12):e0141322.
Conrad A, Coenen M, Kesselring J, Cieza A. What explains functioning from the perspective of people with multiple sclerosis?. J Neurol 2014; 261:2283–2295.
Dür M, Sadloňová M, Haider S, Binder A, Stoffer M, Coenen M, Smolen J, Dejaco C, Kautzky-Willer A, Fialka-Moser V, Moser G, Stamm TA. Health determining concepts important to people with Crohn's disease and their coverage by patient-reported outcomes of health and wellbeing. J Crohns Colitis 2014; 8(1):45-55; doi: 10.1016/j.crohns.2012.12.014.
Glässel A, Coenen M, Kollerits B, Cieza A. Content validation of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Core Set for stroke from gender perspective using a qualitative approach. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2014, 50(3):285-299.
Hartley S, McArthur M, Coenen M, Cabello M, Covelli V, Roszczynska-Michta J, Pitkänen T, Bickenbach J, Cieza A. Narratives reflecting the lived experiences of people with brain disorders: common psychosocial difficulties and determinants. PLoS ONE 2014, 9(5): e96890; doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0096890.
Kirchberger I, Braitmayer K, Coenen M, Oberhauser C, Meisinger C. Feasibility and psychometric properties of the German 12-item WHO Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS 2.0) in a population-based sample of patients with myocardial infarction from the MONICA/KORA Myocardial Infarction Registry. Population Health Metrics 2014;2(1):27.
Leissner J, Coenen M, Froehlich S, Loyola D, Cieza A: What explains health in persons with visual impairment? Health Qual Life Outcomes 2014, 12:65.
Renom M, Conrad A, Bascuñana H, Cieza A, Galán I, Kesselring J, Coenen M. Content validity of the Comprehensive ICF Core Set for multiple sclerosis from the perspective of speech and language therapists. Int J Lang Commun Disord 2014, 49(6):672-686
Stamm T, Hieblinger R, Boström C, Mihai C, Birrell F, Thorstensson C, Fialka-Moser V, Meriaux-Kratochvila S, Smolen J, Coenen M. Similar problem in the activities of daily living but different experience: A qualitative analysis in six rheumatic conditions and eight European countries. Musculoskeletal Care 2014; 12(1):22-33.
Coenen M, Kus S, Rudolf K-D, Müller G, Berno S, Dereskewitz C, MacDermid, J. Do patient-reported outcome measures capture functioning aspects and environmental factors important to individuals with injuries or disorders of the hand? J Hand Ther 2013; 26(4): 332-342.
Kus S, Coenen M, Dereskewitz C, Cieza A, Rudolf KD. ICF Core Sets der Hand - aktueller Stand zu Entwicklung, Validierung und Implementierung. Zeitschrift für Handtherapie 2013;16(1):6-15.
Achleitner U, Coenen M, Colombel J-F, Peyrin-Biroulet L, Sahakyan N, Cieza A. Identification of areas of functioning and disability addressed in inflammatory bowel disease-specific patient reported outcome measures. Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 2012; 6(5):507-517.
Bauer P, Borkert S, Hirschmann E, Kesselring J, Coenen M. Beschreibung der Funktionsfähigkeit von Menschen mit Multipler Sklerose: Identifikation von relevanten ICF-Kategorien aus Sicht der Physiotherapeuten. pt Zeitschrift für Physiotherapeuten 2012; 64(3):6-16.
Bauer P, Krewer C, Coenen M. Beschreibung der Funktionsfähigkeit einer Patientin mit Multipler Sklerose: Diskussion der Ergebnisse der Expertenbefragung am Beispiel von Frau W. pt Zeitschrift für Physiotherapeuten 2012; 64(3):30-33.
Berno S, Coenen M, Leib A, Cieza A, Kesselring J. Validation of the Comprehensive International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health Core Set for multiple sclerosis from the perspective of physicians. Journal of Neurology 2012; 259(8):1713–1726.
Coenen M. ICF in die Praxis bringen. Gasteditorial. pt Zeitschrift für Physiotherapeuten 2012; 64(3):1.
Coenen M, Stamm TA, Stucki G, Cieza A. Individual interviews and focus groups in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a comparison of two qualitative methods. Quality of Life Research 2012; 21(2):359-370.
Conrad A, Coenen M, Schmalz H, Kesselring J, Cieza A. Validation of the Comprehensive ICF Core Set for Multiple Sclerosis from the perspective of physical therapists. Physical Therapy 2012; 92(6):799-820.
Conrad A, Coenen M, Schmalz H, Kesselring J, Cieza A. Validation of the Comprehensive ICF Core Set for multiple sclerosis from the perspective of occupational therapists. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy 2012; 19(6):468-487.
Glaessel A, Coenen M, Kollerits B, Cieza A. Validation of the extended ICF core set for stroke from the patient perspective using focus groups. Disability & Rehabilitation 2012; 34(2):157-166.
Peyrin-Biroulet L, Cieza A, Sandborn WJ, Coenen M, Chowers Y, Hibi T, Kostanjsek N, Stucki G, Colombel JF, and the International Program to develop New Indexes for Crohn’s disease (IPNIC). Development of the first disability index for inflammatory bowel disease based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. GUT 2012; 61(2):241-247.
Coenen M, Basedow-Rajwich B, König N, Kesselring J, Cieza A. Functioning and disability in multiple sclerosis from the patient perspective. Chronic Illness 2011; 7(4):291–310.
Coenen M, Cieza A, Freeman J, Khan F, Miller D, Weise A, Kesselring J. The development of ICF Core Sets for multiple sclerosis: results of the International Consensus Conference. Journal of Neurology 2011; 258(8):1477-1488.
Glaessel A, Finger ME, Cieza A, Treitler C, Coenen M, Escorpizo R. Vocational rehabilitation from the client's perspective using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) as a reference. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation 2011; 21(2):167-178.
Hieblinger R, Coenen M, Stucki G, Winkelmann A, Cieza A. Identification of essential elements of functioning in chronic widespread pain based on a statistical approach. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2011; 90(12):979-991.
Kus S, van de Ven-Stevens L, Coenen M, Berno S, Kollerits B, Cieza A. What is our knowledge of functioning and disability in hand conditions based on? Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2011; 92(8):1326-1332.
Pistarini C, Aiachini B, Coenen M, Pisoni C. Functioning and disability in traumatic brain injury: the Italian patient perspective in developing ICF Core Sets. Disability & Rehabilitation 2011; 33(23-24):2333-2345.
Holper L, Coenen M, Weise A, Stucki G, Cieza A, Kesselring J. Characterization of functioning in MS using the ICF. Journal of Neurology 2010; 257:103-113.
Kus S, Coenen M, Cieza A. Die Entwicklung der ICF Core Sets der Hand – Überblick über die Vorbereitungsphase und die internationale ICF Konsensuskonferenz. Zeitschrift für Handtherapie 2010; 3(1).
Rudolf KD, Kus S, Coenen M, Dereskewitz C, van de Ven-Stevens L, Cieza A. Report on the International ICF Consensus Conference on the ICF Core Sets for Hand Conditions. Hand Therapy 2010; 15:73-76.
Hieblinger R, Coenen M, Stucki G, Winkelmann A, Cieza A. Validation of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Core Set for chronic widespread pain from the perspective of fibromyalgia patients. Arthritis Research & Therapy 2009; 11(3):R67
Kirchberger I, Coenen M, Hierl FX, Dieterle C, Seissler J, Stucki G, Cieza A. Validation of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) core set for diabetes mellitus from the patient perspective using focus groups. Diabetic Medicine 2009 Jul;26(7):700-707.
Tschiesner U, Linseisen E, Coenen M, Rogers S, Harreus U, Berghaus A, Cieza A. Evaluating sequelae after head and neck cancer from the patient perspective with the help of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 2009 Mar;266(3):425-436.
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Coenen M. RADAI Rheumatoid Arthritis Disease Activity Index. In: Bengel J, Wirtz M, Zwingmann C (eds.), Diagnostische Verfahren in der Rehabilitation, p. 337-340. Göttingen: Hogrefe; 2008.
Kesselring J, Coenen M, Cieza A, Thompson A, Kostanjsek N, Stucki G. Developing the ICF Core Sets for multiple sclerosis to specify functioning. Multiple Sclerosis 2008; 14:252-254.
Weise A, Coenen M, Kesselring J, Cieza A. The development of ICF Core Sets for multiple sclerosis. WFOT Bulletin 2008; 57:26-31.
Stamm TA, Bauernfeind B, Coenen M, Feierl E, Mathis M, Stucki G, Smolen JS, Machold KP, Aringer M. Concepts important to persons with systemic lupus erythematosus and their coverage by standard measures of disease activity and health status. Arthritis Care & Research 2007; 57(7):1287-1295.
Stamm TA, Nell V, Mathis M, Coenen M, Aletaha D, Cieza A, Stucki G, Taylor W, Smolen JS, Machold KP. Concepts important to patients with psoriatic arthritis are not adequately covered by standard measures of functioning. Arthritis Care & Research 2007; 57:487-494.
Coenen M. ICF ist die neue Klassifikation der WHO. SPV/ASP-info, 2006; 26:12-15.
Coenen M, Cieza A, Stamm, TA, Amann, E, Kollerits B, Stucki G. Validation of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) Core Set for rheumatoid arthritis from the patient perspective using focus groups. Arthritis Research & Therapy 2006; 8(4):R84.
Stamm TA, Cieza A, Coenen M, Machold KP, Nell VPK, Smolen JS, Stucki G. Validating the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Comprehensive Core Set for rheumatoid arthritis from the patient perspective: a qualitative study. Arthritis Care & Research, 2005; 53:431-439.
Coenen M, Meyer N, Fischer R, Weitkunat R, Crispin A Überla C. Inanspruchnahme ambulanter medizinischer Leistungen in Bayern. Zeitschrift für