Institute for medical information - processing, biometry, and epidemiology (IBE)

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Prof. Dr. Annette Peters

Univ. Prof. Dr. Annette Peters

Chair of Epidemiology
Faculty of Medicine, LMU Munich

Director of the Institute of Epidemiology, Helmholtz Zentrum München

Visiting professor at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, USA

Research Area

• Population-based cohort studies
• Health impacts of air pollution and other environmental factors
• Interaction of genetics, epigenetics and the environment
• Chronic diseases such as diabetes, CVD, lung disease and new approaches to define intermediate phenotypes
• Age-related multimorbidity


Helmholtz Zentrum München – German Research Center for Environmental Health (GmbH)
Ingolstädter Landstr. 1
85764 Neuherberg

Phone: 089-3187-4071 (Secretary's office)
Fax: 089-3187-3380