Chair of Public Health and Health Services Research
Pettenkofer School of Public Health, LMU Munich
Elisabeth-Winterhalter-Weg 6, D-81377 Munich, Germany
+49 (0)89 231 538 61 / +49 (0)178 49 83 817
This page in German | Website of the Public Health Nutrition Team
I’m a medical doctor and public health professional working at the crossroads of research, policy and practice. With a background in medicine, political science, economics and law, I specialise on planetary health nutrition, defined as the art and science of promoting healthy and sustainable diets on a population level. I’m passionate about research with policy impact, teaching, and public engagement with science.
Current projects
- FoodPlanetH - Food Environments for Planetary Health (2022-2027, BMBF Junior Research Group, PI & Research Group Leader; Website)
- FoodSAMSA - Food environments in Africa: Addressing Malnutrition using a Syndemics Approach (2021-2024, BMEL, Co-PI; Website)
- YAHEE - Young Adults in Health-Enhancing Equitable Environments (2024-2027, ERA4Health/BMBF, co-PI with Eva Rehfuess)
- INFORMAS - International Network for Food, Obesity and NCD Research, Monitoring and Action Support) (since 2017, PI for LMU Munich; Website)
Completed projects
- Evidence- and Consensus-based Guideline on the Prevention and Treatment of Obesity (2021-2024, German Obesity Society, lead author and coordinator for prevention; Details in German)
- MensaPlus - Healthy, Sustainable, Participatory (2023-2024, BMBF, PI)
- PEN - Policy Evaluation Network for Policies affecting Dietary and Physical Activity (2019-2022, JPI HDHL/BMBF, Co-PI for LMU Munich; Website)
Areas of interest
- Public and Planetary Health Nutrition
- Prevention of obesity and diabetes mellitus
- Implementation of population-level health promotion policies
- Germany's public health system
Methodological expertise
- Evidence syntheses (systematic reviews with and without meta-analysis, rapid reviews, clinical and public health guidelines)
- Policy, stakeholder and framing analysis
- Mixed-methods evaluations of public health interventions
- Integrated knowledge translation, science communication and stakeholder engagement
Selected Publications
- Leibinger A, Holliday N, Huizinga O, von Philipsborn P: Reach and public health implications of proposed new food marketing regulation in Germany: an updated analysis. European Journal of Public Health 2024. (Online, open access)
- Holliday N, Leibinger A, Huizinga O, Klinger C, Okanmelu E, Geffert K, Rehfuess Ea, von Philipsborn P. Use of the WHO Nutrient Profile Model for food marketing regulation in Germany: feasibility and public health implications. Obesity Facts 2024, 17(2): 109–120. (Online, open access)
- von Philipsborn P, Huizinga O, Leibinger A, Rubin D, Burns J, Emmert-Fees K, Pedron S, Laxy M, Rehfuess E. Interim Evaluation of Germany’s Sugar Reduction Strategy for Soft Drinks: Commitments versus Actual Trends in Sugar Content and Sugar Sales from Soft Drinks. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 2023, 79(3):282-290. (Online, open access)
- von Philipsborn P, Geffert K, Klinger C, Hebestreit A, Stratil J, Rehfuess EA: Nutrition Policies in Germany: A Systematic Assessment with the Food Environment Policy Index. (Food-EPI). Public Health Nutrition 2022, 25(6):1691-1700. (Online, open access).
- von Philipsborn P, Stratil JM, Burns J, Busert LK, Pfadenhauer LM, Polus S, Holzapfel C, Hauner H, Rehfuess E. Environmental interventions to reduce the consumption of sugar‐sweetened beverages and their effects on health. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2019, Issue 6. Art. No.: CD012292. (Online, open access)
Work Experience
- since 10.2022: Research Group Leader, Junior Research Group Planetary Health Nutrition
- since 10.2021: Lead, Public Health Nutrition Team, Chair of Public Health and Health Services Research
- 02.2018-09.2021: Research Associate, Chair of Public Health and Health Services Research
- 09.2020-12.2021: Junior Doctor, Department of Psychiatry, LMU Klinikum, Munich, Germany
- 09.2018-08.2019: Junior Doctor, Department of General Internal Medicine, Municipal Hospital Mühldorf am Inn, Germany
- 09.2020: Doctorate in Medicine, Summa cum laude, Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich (Supervisors: Prof. Eva Rehfuess and Prof. Hans Hauner. Title: Prevention of Noncommunicable Diseases: International Evidence and Implementation in Germany; Link)
- 12.2017: Medical Licensing Examination, Technical University Munich
- 07.2011: MA Political Science, Economics and Law, University of Freiburg
- 10.2009: MSc Global Politics, with Distinction, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
- Public Health Nutrition (Course guide in German)
- Evidence-based Medicine (Lecture notes in German)
- An Introduction to Nutrition and Health (University of Freiburg, Master in Global Urban Health; Course guide in English)
- Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
- Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases (Course guide in German)
- Food Systems, Climate Change and Global Health (Summer school course; Course guide in German)
- Research Award, German Obesity Society (2023)
- Teaching Award, Medical Faculty of the Technical University Munich (2015)
- Scholarship, German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes)
- Scholarship, Bavarian State Government Scholarship for Talented Students
Editorships and peer reviewer activities
- Editorships: Public Health Nutrition (Cambridge University Press; Deputy Editor), Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism (Karger; Associate Editor)
- Peer Reviewer Activities: Lancet Planetary Health, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, International Journal of Obesity, Obesity Reviews, Food Policy, Health Policy, Journal of Public Health, Cochrane Handbook of Systematic Reviews, among others. (Selected verified reviews on Web of Science)
- Grant reviews: Swiss National Science Foundation, Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Research (Austria), ZonMW (Netherlands)
Board and Committee Memberships
- German Medical Association (Bundesärztekammer): Member of the Public Health Committee
- Max Rubner Institute (MRI): Member of the Scientific Advisory Council for the National Nutrition Monitoring
- Robert Koch Institute (RKI): Member of the Scientific Advisory Council for the National Diabetes Surveillance
- Zukunftsforum Public Health (ZfPH): Member of the Steering Committee
- German Nutrition Society (DGE): Member of the Steering Committee of the Public Health Nutrition Group
- Network of Young Professionals in Public Health (NÖG): Co-founder and member of the Coordinating Committee 2018-2021
- Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities: External Member of the Interdisciplinary Working Group Nutrition, Health and Prevention
- ResearchGate | LinkedIn | Mastodon | ORCID
Science Communication
- ARD alpha (10.07.2024): Gesunde Ernährung – gut für Mensch und Natur (Online)
- ARD Inforadio (27.06.2024): Gesünder essen per Gesetz - Fürsorge oder Bevormundung? (Online)
- Ess.sozial (01.05.2024): Gesunde Ernährung – und was Cem Özdemir damit zu tun hat (Online)
- Süddeutsche Zeitung (02.04.2024): Ernährung: Wie viel Steak ist zu viel? (Online, €)
- Stuttgarter Zeitung (01.02.2024): Flüge, Autos, tierische Lebensmittel Ist eine Belohnung für Klimasünden noch zeitgemäß? (Online, €)
- ZEIT Online (22.11.2023): Zuckersteuer: "Es ließen sich 160.000 Lebensjahre gewinnen" (Online)
- RiffReporter (07.10.2023): Lauterbachs Präventionspläne: „Das Robert Koch-Institut wird de facto zerschlagen“ (Online, €)
- Tagesspiegel (26.09.2023): Einmal süß, immer süß: Wie Zucker in der Kindheit der Gesundheit dauerhaft schadet (Online, €)
- ZEIT ONLINE (27.04.2023): Lieber beschweren, als Zucker reduzieren (Online)
- (21.02.2023): Zuckergehalt in Softdrinks sinkt kaum. (Online)
- Süddeutsche Zeitung (21.02.2023): Die freiwillige Zuckerreduktion ist weit vom Kurs entfernt (Online, €)
A list of further media coverage, interviews, blog posts, podcasts and commentary can be found here.
For updates on my work, please subscribe to the Public Health Nutrition Listserv (in German).
Last updated: 01.07.2024